Arthritis Treatment in Greenville, SC

Arthritis impacts millions of people worldwide and it’s a condition that can have a life-changing impact on a person’s quality of life. To ensure this does not become difficult to manage, it’s important to understand your situation and what works best.

This is where Carolina Spine & Pain comes into the forefront for those who want to treat their arthritis symptoms head-on. We provide world-class arthritis treatment in Greenville, SC.

We are a professional medical clinic that understands the ins and outs of pain management for degenerative conditions. We will take the time to put together a comprehensive arthritis pain management plan that is going to help with the underlying symptoms you’re facing.

To find out more about Carolina Spine & Pain and what we do, 864-778-3105.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a medical condition where one or multiple joints end up swelling. This is caused due to an inflammatory response in the joints, which can worsen depending on how the joints are used during the day.

Most patients that suffer from this condition often list symptoms that flare up during those periods where the joints are overused.

This can include burning, pain, swelling, and tenderness in the joints.

What Are the Common Types and Causes of Arthritis?

There are different types of arthritis


This is one of the most common types of arthritis medical professionals see around the world. With osteoarthritis, the bones start to degrade with age and a person will notice the quality of their joints suffer. This can cause burning, swelling, and a lack of mobility in the joints due to them not being as functional as they used to be.

Risk factors include older age, obesity, joint injuries, and repeated stress on the joint from sports.

Millions of people deal with this and it tends to worsen with time unless appropriate care is taken.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is when the immune system response causes flare-ups in the joints. This happens when the body starts attacking itself. The healthy cells get attacked by the immune system when they are not supposed to. This can cause a long list of symptoms.

Some of the risk factors for rheumatoid arthritis include family history, excess weight, and smoking.

This condition is challenging to deal with and it’s important to have a qualified medical professional oversee your treatment. This can help alleviate the response and make it easier for you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Psoriatic Arthritis

This arthritis type is linked to psoriasis and is seen in patients that have been diagnosed with the skin condition. Most people associate psoriasis with redness, flaking, and/or other signs of skin-related symptoms but there is more to the condition.

The condition also impacts the joints, which can lead to significant pain in the body. Many people state they notice stiffness in their joints before the skin-related symptoms start appearing.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, about 3 in 20 to 3 in 10 people with psoriasis may develop psoriatic arthritis.

Infectious Arthritis

This type of arthritis occurs when germs get into the bloodstream and then begin infecting the joints. This has a tremendous impact on the joints and their overall health. A common reason for this is when an animal bites down on the joint or somewhere on the body causing germs to travel through to other parts.

When this occurs, the infection will spread and that is going to harm the body. The symptoms include joint pain, swelling, and tenderness.

Arthritis treatment in Greenville SC doctor examines hand

What Are the Common Symptoms of Arthritis?

Dealing with the symptoms associated with this medical condition means knowing what to look for. You are going to want to get a professional clinic such as Carolina Spine & Pain to diagnose what is going on.

You will want to observe all of the underlying symptoms and what has to happen for you to stay healthy. We are going to come up with a complete treatment plan that will incorporate all of these details into the process.

The symptoms can include:

  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Decreased range of motion
  • Joints tender to the touch

Each case is going to be unique but these symptoms tend to flare up in all of them. To find out more about Carolina Spine & Pain, reach out to us at 864-778-3105.

What Are the Treatments Available at Carolina Spine & Pain to Help Manage Arthritis Pain?

Treating a condition such as this means getting creative and understanding there are different ways of approaching the symptoms.

It is important to take your time with the condition, understand what the symptoms are, and how to put together a comprehensive treatment plan.

The treatment options include:

The best option is going to be to look at what works and what does not. We are going to be there every step of the way when it comes to planning out the treatments, understanding how your body is responding, and then making sure things are implemented the right way.

This is key when it comes to seeing the results you’re hoping for.

To find out more about Carolina Spine & Pain, contact us at 864-778-3105.

Get Effective Arthritis Treatment in Greenville, SC!

Being in a situation where you are dealing with a flurry of symptoms and your condition is worsening, it becomes important to look at a qualified medical option.

At Carolina Spine & Pain, we are going to take the time to look at all of your options. This is going to include running a set of diagnostic tests to see what your symptoms are and what the root cause is. This is pertinent information that will let you manage pain better than you have been.

To find out more about Carolina Spine & Pain and our arthritis treatment in Greenville, SC, call 864-778-3105.

Hurt? Schedule An Appointment Today!

Do not hesitate to call us, no matter when your injuries occur. We know that accidents can occur at any time. We are available when you need us. Call 803-653-6955 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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