Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Greenville, SC

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when the median nerve in the wrist is compressed. The increased pressure causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. The symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome make daily tasks difficult and usually get worse over time without treatment. That’s why it’s crucial to seek out carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Greenville, SC.

Persons who’ve been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome are often baffled by how they got this disorder. Others may remember a hand injury that caused the symptoms soon afterward. Regardless, if you allow the symptoms to worsen, trauma to the median nerve can result in permanent loss of hand movement.

If you notice any indications of carpal tunnel syndrome, you should contact a pain management physician for a consultation. We at Carolina Pain & Spine are experienced and have a team of highly skilled physicians who offer treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome and other chronic conditions.

Contact Carolina Pain & Spine regarding your carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Greenville TODAY at 864-778-3105 and schedule an appointment with one of our pain management physicians.

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist. When this area is narrowed or there is inflammation, it puts increased pressure on the median nerve that travels through the wrist. The pressure causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the hand and arm. This is why carpal tunnel syndrome is also known as median nerve compression.

What Factors Contribute to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Persons most at risk to suffer CTS are those who engage in jobs or actions that require repeated hand and finger involvement. Activities that can put individuals at risk of getting carpal tunnel disorder include:

  • Vibration
  • Excessive wrist movements
  • High-force tasks (hammering).

Other risk factors of carpal tunnel syndrome include:

  • Diabetes
  • Alcoholism
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Genetics (come from a family with smaller carpal tunnels).
  • Dislocation and wrist fracture
  • Hemodialysis
  • Wrist or hand deformity
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Arthritic conditions like gout and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Tumor in the carpal tunnel
  • Amyloid deposits
  • Old age.

You should also note that CTS is more prevalent in females compared to men.

What Are the Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Signs often start gradually and can happen at any moment. Some of the early tell-tale signs include:

  • Loss of sensation during nighttime
  • Pain and/or prickling sensation in the fingers.

Since some individuals nap with their wrists bent, night symptoms are frequent and can disrupt sleep. Night symptoms are usually the first noticeable signs of carpal tunnel condition. You can alleviate these early-stage symptoms by shaking your hands.

Daytime symptoms of CTS include:

  • Prickling in the fingers
  • Reduced sensation in the fingertips
  • Trouble using the hand for routine activities like writing, carrying things, etc.

As this syndrome exacerbates, symptoms start getting persistent. You can experience:

  • Total weakness in the hands
  • Dropping items
  • Inability to carry out delicate tasks like buttoning a shirt, sewing, etc.

In the worst-case scenario, you may experience atrophy (shrinking of the thumb’s base muscles).

So, if you’ve noticed any of the symptoms above, consult with a professional pain management doctor to get an effective and therapeutic treatment plan for your condition.

carpal tunnel concept of carpal tunnel syndrome treatment in Greenville SC

What Are Common Treatments for Carpal Tunnel?

The right treatment plan will depend on the severity of your condition. Some common treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome include:

Wrist Splints

The wrist will be held in a fixed position by a splint or wrist brace for about 6 weeks or so. It will assist in easing night symptoms that may disturb your sleep. Keeping the hand and wrist in one position prevents any excessive twisting at night and reduces pressure on the nerve. If you’re pregnant, night splinting may be ideal as it doesn’t entail the usage of any medicine.

Anti-Inflammatory Medication

The usage of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help reduce the pain resulting from carpal tunnel syndrome and also reduce inflammation.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy will largely focus on stretching and strengthening the afflicted areas to relieve pain and recover grip strength. This way, your hands will still be functional and you’ll be able to undertake normal tasks.

Your doctor will guide you through easy stretching exercises to recover finder, hand, and wrist flexibility. Strengthening exercises will involve building up muscles and improving grip strength.


The attending pain management physician will inject the carpal tunnel with cortisone to lessen pain. At times, the doctor may use ultrasound for a more precise injection. Corticosteroids lessen swelling and inflammation, which eases compression on the median nerve.


There are non-intrusive treatment methods to treat CTS. However, sometimes surgery may be necessary for space to be created. The surgery on the carpal tunnel is aimed to lessen strain by cutting the ligament compressing the median nerve. Two techniques can be used in this surgery:

Endoscopic surgery

Here, the surgeon will utilize an endoscope to look in the carpal tunnel. The surgeon will proceed to make an incision in the wrist to cut the ligament, which reduces pressure on the nerve. Other surgeons may prefer to use ultrasound to steer the cutting tool. This surgeon is less painful compared to open surgery.

Open surgery

Here, your attending physician will slit the palm over the carpal tunnel and slit through the ligament to relieve the nerve.

Chiropractic Treatment With Extremity Manipulation

Most people may only associate chiropractic care with back and neck pain. However, this field can treat injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Our pain management physicians will concentrate on areas of the musculoskeletal system affecting your carpal tunnel and perform adjustment techniques to lessen pain symptoms.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is non-intrusive, affordable, and effective for sustained relief from CTS symptoms. Massage therapy will ease inflammation, numbness, and pain affiliated with CTS by stretching the fascia and muscles of the shoulder, neck, hand, wrist, forearm, elbow, and upper arm.

Ultrasound Therapy

Ultrasound can be utilized to raise the temperature of a specific area of the wrist to lessen the pain on the carpal tunnel and facilitate healing.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (E-STIM)

This treatment uses equipment to send tiny electric pulses throughout the body and is aimed at repairing muscle tissue.

Get Professional Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Greenville, SC!

Our compassionate pain management physicians at Carolina Spine & Pain know how much of an annoyance and painful carpal tunnel syndrome can be, which is why they will work around the clock for your hands to regain full functionality. We have state-of-the-art facilities to provide physiotherapy as well as other therapeutic options. Give us a call at 864-778-3105 and find relief TODAY!

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Do not hesitate to call us, no matter when your injuries occur. We know that accidents can occur at any time. We are available when you need us. Call 803-653-6955 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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