Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy Treatment in Greenville, SC

Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy Treatment in Greenville SC

Being in a situation where you are suffering from degenerative disc disease neuropathy is challenging. You are going to see a long list of symptoms that are tough on the body and are going to be increasingly difficult to withstand as time goes on.

This is why more and more patients look to reach out to our team at Carolina Spine & Pain for degenerative disc disease neuropathy treatment in Greenville, SC. We are all about handling degenerative conditions and know what it is going to take to improve your health. We have a team of professionals that handle these cases regularly and will optimize the treatment plan to meet your needs immediately.

If you are thinking about booking an appointment in Greenville then it’s time to reach out to Carolina Spine & Pain at 864-513-8950. We will put in our best effort to recognize what is going on with your body and what has to happen next.

What Is Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy?

Degenerative disc disease refers to a condition where a person suffers from bulging discs. This condition can cause significant symptoms that are hard to withstand including sharp pain, loss of muscle function, and tingling.

It’s recommended to consult with a medical specialist as soon as one or more of these symptoms arise. The condition can worsen if it is not treated right away.

What Are the Causes of Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy?

The causes of degenerative disc disease neuropathy will vary and it comes down to your lifestyle. Some people will suffer from long-term damage, while others are going to have an injury that impacts them.

The causes can include:

  • Drying out of the disc
  • Daily use, activities, and sports
  • Injuries

What Are the Symptoms of Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy?

When you are dealing with degenerative disc disease neuropathy, it’s important to recognize what is going on in your body.

It is the symptoms that are the first thing you are going to begin to understand. These are the reason you are going to want to seek medical assistance as soon as you can get it. At Carolina Spine & Pain, we will know what to account for when assessing you and this will include maintaining an open line of communication with you.

We will want to make sure everyone is on the same page and the treatment plan works out the way you want it to.

The symptoms can include:

  • Constant sharp pain that feels like shocks or stabbing
  • Constant feeling of burning and cold
  • Chronic numbness, weakness, and/or tingling
  • Regular pain that spreads through the extremities
  • Pain in the lower back, thighs, and bottom
  • Pain that tends to pop up here and there
  • May get worse when seated, and improves as soon as a person gets up and moves around more
  • Tends to worsen when a person bends or twists
  • Tends to get better when a person changes their position whether seated or not

If you have been suffering from these types of symptoms then it is best to consult with a medical specialist as soon as you can.

We are going to be ready to help as soon as the call comes in. At Carolina Spine & Pain, we want to help you and that includes taking the time to go through these symptoms one by one. We will account for this when planning your degenerative disc disease neuropathy treatment in Greenville, SC.

Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy Treatment in Greenville SC

What Are the Treatments Available at Carolina Spine & Pain for Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy?

The treatments that are available to you will vary. It is going to depend on what the set of tests that are run display after a medical professional goes through them with you.

At Carolina Spine & Pain, we know you are going to want immediate treatment and that is going to be your top priority. For us, we want to ensure you are receiving appropriate medical advice that is going to improve your life for the better moving forward.

This is why reaching out to us is one of the best decisions a patient can make when they are suffering from degenerative disc disease neuropathy in Greenville.

Some of the treatments we offer include:

Our goal is going to be to understand what is going on with you and how to maximize your situation. This includes going through a wide array of cutting-edge treatments as soon as we take a look at your case.

For the best treatment, you are going to want Carolina Spine & Pain by your side. We are a trusted pain management clinic that is all about setting high standards.

To find out more about what Carolina Spine & Pain can do, call us at 864-513-8950. We will make sure you are treated with the highest level of care from day one.

Call Us for Degenerative Disc Disease Neuropathy Treatment in Greenville, SC!

When you are suffering from degenerative disc disease neuropathy, the pain is going to be difficult to manage. You will want to go through a long list of treatment options to figure out what will work for you. Some options are going to do better than others depending on your specific case.

This is where Carolina Spine & Pain is useful as we are already going to know what to look for. Our extensive expertise in Greenville is something you should and can lean on right away. We are going to put in the time to run a set of tests to figure out what is going on with you immediately.

It is these tests that are going to ensure you feel confident in the treatment plan that has been set up for you.

If you are tired of dealing with the underlying symptoms and want to improve your medical condition, it’s time to look at Carolina Spine & Pain. We are going to book an appointment for you at 864-513-8950 and go from there. This is a one-stop option for those who want to see an improvement.

Hurt? Schedule An Appointment Today!

Do not hesitate to call us, no matter when your injuries occur. We know that accidents can occur at any time. We are available when you need us. Call 803-653-6955 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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