Failed Laminectomy Syndrome Treatment in Greenville, SC

Spine surgeons perform back surgery to eliminate or reduce chronic leg or back pain caused by spinal nerve compression. However, should the procedure fail to produce the desired results, then the outcome is what’s known as failed laminectomy syndrome, which is also known as Failed Back Surgery Syndrome or Post-Laminectomy Syndrome.

If you’re among the people who continue to experience leg or back pain after surgery, then you know the despair and frustration the condition can cause. However, despite the predicament, there’s still hope for you. When precisely diagnosed, most of your post-surgical pain can be easily and effectively managed with failed laminectomy syndrome treatment in Greenville, SC.

The pain specialists at Carolina Spine & Pain in Greenville are skilled and experienced professionals. We can help identify the source of your back pain and provide the most effective non-surgical treatment options available today. For help diagnosing and treating your failed laminectomy syndrome, call 864-513-8950 to speak to a back pain specialist.

What’s Failed Laminectomy (Back Surgery) Syndrome?

Failed laminectomy syndrome is a medical condition where patients experience persistent back pain following back surgery. The term laminectomy refers to the procedure where parts of the vertebra protecting the spinal cord are removed. The procedure’s normally done to relieve pressure on the spinal cord caused by a protruding disc.

In most cases, patients who’ve had a laminectomy done on them recover without any major complications. However, for a small number of people, leg and back pain may persist following back surgery. This persistent pain is what’s known as failed laminectomy syndrome or failed back surgery syndrome.

What Causes Failed Laminectomy Syndrome?

There are several reasons why a back surgery patient may develop back pain after a laminectomy. These reasons include:

Inaccurate Preoperative Patient Selection Before the Laminectomy

This is one of the most common causes of failed laminectomy syndrome. Spine surgeons generally look for anatomic lesions in a patient’s spine that they can associate with the patient’s pain patterns. However, some lesions are reliable while others aren’t. A misdiagnosis could mean the surgeon chooses a patient whose condition will likely not improve even with surgery.

Recurring Disc Herniation After Surgery

Recurring disc herniation is another common cause of recurrent pain after spine surgery. In this case, patients usually have or experience substantial pain relief which is followed by an abrupt reappearance of leg pain. In contradiction of pain caused by epidural fibrosis (scar tissue), in which the symptoms appear slowly over time, the symptoms of recurring disc herniations often occur suddenly and are quite acute.

Technical Error During Spine Surgery

Another cause of failed back surgery syndrome is a technical error on the part of the surgeon. For instance, a piece of bone left right next to a nerve or a fragment of the herniated disc could result in compression of the roots of the nerve, causing pain.

What Are Some of the Symptoms of Post Laminectomy Syndrome?

The symptoms of failed laminectomy syndrome vary significantly depending on the procedure performed. Nevertheless, there are some symptoms that most patients report when seeking relief. These symptoms include:

  • Insomnia
  • Severe, piercing pain in the extremities
  • Highly increased sensitivity to pain
  • Achiness at the surgery site, neck, or in the back
  • Anxiety or depression
  • Unusual sensitivities to touch or heat.

Please note that this is just a partial list. As such, any changes you notice after having back surgery might suggest a problem related to the condition. If you feel that something’s not right after a laminectomy, do not waste time, report your suspicions right away. The sooner you seek treatment for failed back surgery syndrome, the sooner and easier it will be for you to go back to living a pain-free life.

failed laminectomy syndrome treatment in Greenville, SC concept back surgery consult

What Are Some of the Common Treatments Available at Carolina Spine & Pain for Failed Laminectomy Syndrome?

If you are experiencing pain due to failed laminectomy syndrome, then the first step you need to take in treating the condition is to get your symptoms accurately diagnosed. Your diagnosis is what your doctor will use to determine the best treatment option.

At Carolina Spine & Pain, we offer reliable and trusted pain treatment therapies and can help you get back on your feet in no time. It’s worth noting that treatment options typically vary depending on the pain one is experiencing and the severity of their condition.

At Carolina Spine & Pain, we offer the following interventional pain relief treatment options:

Medication Management

Managing pain with medication is a complex process. We determine which prescription pain medication a patient may consume for their back or leg pain caused by failed laminectomy syndrome. Our pain management specialists are here to provide you with the information, tools, and knowledge you need to ensure you are taking the right prescription medication at the right time and in the right way.

Nerve Blocks

Nerve blocks are a type of injection therapy that eases pain caused by sciatica or sciatic nerve damage. Just like other nerve blocks and injection produces, sciatic nerve blocks require the use of a contrast dye and fluoroscopy to accurately locate affected nerves and inject the medication. Nerve blocks offer anywhere from several days to several months of pain relief.

Radiofrequency Ablation

This procedure, which is also known as radiofrequency neurotomy, is a minimally invasive treatment option that’s designed to considerably reduce pain caused by irritated nerves, etc. Radiofrequency ablation is often preferred in situations where the patient did not experience significant pain relief from a nerve block injection.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal cord stimulation is another minimally-invasive procedure that involves the embedding of nerve stimulation devices in the patient’s body. The device delivers a low voltage current to specific parts of the spine, helping numb the pain signals being caused by enduring pain. This option is great for you if you have been experiencing chronic leg or back pain for over 6 months even after trying conservative treatment options.

Contact Carolina Spine & Pain for Failed Laminectomy Syndrome Treatment in Greenville, SC!

As failed back surgery syndrome can have a mixture of unusual symptoms, it’s essential to ensure you receive the treatment you need from a pain management clinic with the experience, tools, and expertise to accurately diagnose your condition. The pain relief specialists at Carolina Spine & Pain have several decades of experience offering pain relief and management solutions that are designed to help our patients manage their post-laminectomy syndrome-related pain easily and reliably.

We offer a range of unique treatments that we believe will help improve your mobility and reduce discomfort. We will work hand-in-hand with you to provide treatments and therapies that improve health and enhance your quality of life. Call 864-513-8950 now to learn more about our services and book an appointment with one of our pain management specialists.

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