Spinal Stenosis Treatment in Greenville, SC

Spinal stenosis is one of those things that can place a tremendous amount of pressure on the body and brings along with it a list of symptoms. It’s essential to find effective spinal stenosis treatment in Greenville, SC.

At Carolina Spine & Pain, we have years of experience treating patients with degenerative conditions like spinal stenosis. We take the time to understand patients’ needs and come up with a personalized treatment plan.

If you are dealing with spinal stenosis, it’s best to reach out to us at Carolina Spine & Pain. We are an experienced and award-winning facility that can help with pain management and ensure things are done the right way.

To learn more about what Carolina Spine & Pain can do for you, give us a call at 864-539-4549.

What Is Spinal Stenosis?

When you have spinal stenosis, the spaces within your spine narrow and this narrowing can put pressure on the nerves. The lower back and neck are the areas most commonly affected by spinal stenosis.

Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Cervical spinal stenosis refers to a condition where the parts of the spine narrow causing pressure to be placed on the nerves in the neck. This compression causes a significant amount of pain, tingling, weakness, and numbness in the neck area.

Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Lumbar spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal along the lower part of the back. This is when the area becomes compressed causing pressure to be applied to the nerve roots in this part of the body. A person with this condition will exhibit signs of numbness, lower back pain, and tingling.

What Are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?

To better understand what spinal stenosis involves, it’s important to look at the underlying symptoms of the condition.

The main symptoms include:

  • Sciatica
  • Foot drop
  • Difficulty while standing or walking
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Radicular pain
  • Radiculopathy
  • Myelopathy
  • Cauda equina syndrome

If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms then it might have to do with spinal stenosis. Speaking to a qualified specialist at Carolina Spine & Pain is the way to go.

What Are the Causes and Risk Factors for Spinal Stenosis?

There are specific causes to account for when it comes to spinal stenosis. These causes will help illustrate what has to be done to treat the pain you are dealing with regularly.

Causes of spinal stenosis include:

You will also have to account for potential risk factors that play a role in your condition. There are specific types of people that are going to be far more likely to suffer from spinal stenosis compared to the average population.

Risk factors include:

  • Over the age of 50 – wear and tear
  • Younger adults – trauma, scoliosis, and genetic diseases’

Concept of spinal stenosis treatment in Greenville SC doctor with spine model

What Are the Types of the Treatments Available at Carolina Spine & Pain for Spinal Stenosis Pain?

Getting treated is important and that is why it becomes important to reach out to Carolina Spine & Pain. We are a qualified team that will know which treatment works best for your situation and how to customize it to meet your needs.

The treatments include:

  • Medications
    • Over-the-counter pain relievers
    • Anti-depressants
    • Opioids
    • Muscle Relaxants
    • Anti-seizure medication
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Anesthetics
  • Surgery
    • Laminectomy
    • Laminoplasty
    • Laminotomy
  • Minimally invasive surgery
    • Decompression procedure
  • Assistive Devices
    • Braces
    • Corset
    • Walker

The best option is to look at what is happening with your spinal stenosis, have a specialist assess the symptoms, and then move forward with a treatment plan.

To learn more about what Carolina Spine & Pain can do for your spinal stenosis, please give us a call at 864-539-4549.

Additional Treatments for Spinal Stenosis

We take a comprehensive approach to treating spinal stenosis at Carolina Spine & Pain Center in Greenville. Our team includes trained chiropractors, and we can recommend an exercise plan and other at-home treatments to help your recovery.

Chiropractic Services

Chiropractors can do a wonderful job when it comes to spinal stenosis. Since the idea is there is compression in that part of the body whether it’s near the neck or lower back, you will want someone to alleviate that pressure immediately.

The best option is going to be to look into chiropractic services as a way to reduce pressure in the area. Carolina Spine & Pain can help with this after a thorough diagnosis of your condition and what’s going on.


It is highly recommended for patients to take the time to exercise more. By moving around, you are going to help stretch out the spine and make sure you are getting more out of your body during the day. A lot of people start resting excessively and this can worsen things.

Just resting is not enough and you will want to stretch as much as possible to loosen the pressure.

Apply Heat and Cold

Using heat is a proven way of reducing pain in the area. You are going to want to mix up the temperature points that you are using on the target areas. For example, you are going to want to start with heat pads and then transition to ice packs.

The transition is going to allow the healing process to go along faster than it was beforehand.

Practice Good Posture

Have you taken the time to work on your posture? If you are slumping too much or not sitting straight, this can get in the way of your spinal stenosis and exaggerate the symptoms.

By improving your posture, you are going to regain control of the spine and reduce some of the underlying symptoms immediately.

Lose Weight

Weight loss is tough and that is why it’s important to have a plan in mind. You will want to lose weight with a purpose, which includes exercise.

The goal is to burn off excess fat that is putting more pressure on your spine during the day. A little bit of weight loss can go a long way.

Choose Us for Spinal Stenosis Treatment in Greenville, SC!

It is not easy to be in a situation where you are dealing with spinal stenosis. This is a condition that delivers hard-hitting symptoms that can impact your quality of life.

The best option is to consult with us at Carolina Spine & Pain to find out what can be done for you. We offer word-class spinal stenosis treatment in Greenville, SC, and will take the time to find out what will work for you.

Take the time to reach out to us at 864-539-4549 for more information.

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Do not hesitate to call us, no matter when your injuries occur. We know that accidents can occur at any time. We are available when you need us. Call 803-653-6955 or contact us online to book an appointment.

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